Lazy Lync

Prepare NetSuite Data for Migration to QuickBooks Online

Exported NetSuite data must be formatted as per the schema required for QuickBooks Online to perform a successful data migration.

Author: Adi

prepare data for quickbooks migration.png

Migrating from NetSuite to QuickBooks Online (QBO) requires thorough preparation. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to clean up your data, organize your financial records, and create comprehensive backups. Let's dive in with practical examples to illustrate each point.

Data Cleanup

Review Your Chart of Accounts

Imagine you're sorting through a messy filing cabinet. That's essentially what you're doing with your Chart of Accounts. Look for duplicate accounts like "Office Supplies" and "Office Expenses" that could be merged. Remove accounts you haven't used in years - like that "Y2K Preparation Expenses" account that's somehow still hanging around.

Clean Up Customer and Vendor Lists

Think of this as updating your address book. You might find three entries for "Acme Corp," "ACME Corporation," and "Acme" - all the same company. Merge these into one clean entry. While you're at it, update contact information. You don't want invoices going to that office Acme moved out of two years ago.

Reconcile Transactions

This is like balancing your checkbook, but on a larger scale. Pay special attention to any transactions marked as unreconciled. For example, you might find an uncleared check from six months ago. Either follow up on why it hasn't been cashed or consider voiding it.

Review Inventory Items

Think of this as spring cleaning for your product catalog. Remove items you no longer sell. Update descriptions to be clear and consistent. For instance, change "Wdgt Blue Sm" to "Widget, Blue, Small" for clarity.

Standardize Naming Conventions

Establish clear rules for how you name things. For example, decide whether you'll use "Accounts Receivable" or "A/R" consistently throughout your system. Apply this to customer names too - will you use "IBM" or "International Business Machines"?

Organizing Financial Records

  1. Close Out Old Periods
  2. Think of this as sealing off completed chapters in your financial story. Ensure all periods that should be closed are actually closed in NetSuite. This prevents accidental postings to old periods during the migration process.
  3. Document Current Workflows
  4. Imagine you're writing a manual for someone to do your job. Map out processes like "How we bill customers" or "Monthly closing procedures." This will be invaluable when setting up these processes in QBO.
  5. Gather Supporting Documents
  6. Think of this as creating a financial scrapbook. Collect any paper records, screenshots of custom NetSuite reports, or email approvals that support your transactions. Store these in a well-organized digital format for easy reference post-migration.
  7. Prepare Reconciliation Reports
  8. This is like taking a financial snapshot. Generate detailed reconciliation reports for all balance sheet accounts. For example, make sure your bank reconciliation report matches your bank statements exactly.

Backing Up NetSuite Data

Create a Full System Backup

Think of this as making a complete clone of your NetSuite system. Use NetSuite's native backup features to create this comprehensive backup. It's your safety net if anything goes wrong during migration.

Export Key Data Separately

Imagine you're packing for a move and putting your most valuable items in a separate, secure box. Export critical data like your Chart of Accounts, Customer and Vendor Lists, and Item List to CSV or Excel files. This gives you quick access to crucial information during the migration process.

Document Custom Features

Think of this as creating a blueprint of your NetSuite customizations. For example, if you have a custom script that automatically assigns territories to new leads, document how it works. While you can't directly transfer this to QBO, understanding the logic will help you recreate essential functionality.

Verify Your Backups

Treat this like a fire drill. Don't just assume your backups worked - test them. Try restoring some data to a test environment to ensure it's complete and usable.

Final Preparations

Set a Cut-off Date

This is like setting a moving day. Choose a specific date when you'll stop entering new data into NetSuite and start using QBO. Communicate this clearly to all staff to prevent data discrepancies.

Conduct a Final Review

Think of this as a pre-flight checklist. Go through all your prepared data, backups, and documentation. Have key team members review it too - fresh eyes might catch something you missed.

Prepare for Training

Start introducing your team to QBO before the migration. It's like letting them test drive a new car before buying it. This familiarity will ease the transition and help identify potential issues early.