Lazy Lync

Import Data into QuickBooks

Once you've prepared the data, you're ready to start importing it into QuickBooks Online.

Prepare Your Data File

  1. Open your data file (Excel, CSV, or Google Sheet) containing the information you want to import.
  2. Ensure that the data is organized properly, with column headers matching the fields in QuickBooks Online.
  3. Save your file in a compatible format (CSV, XLS, XLSX, or Google Sheets).

Import Customers

  1. Sign in to your QuickBooks Online account.
  2. Go to the Sales menu and select Customers.
  3. Click the Import Customers button.
  4. Select your data file format (Excel or CSV) and click Next.
  5. Map the columns in your file to the corresponding fields in QuickBooks Online.
  6. Review the data preview and make any necessary changes.
  7. Click Import to complete the process.

Import Vendors

  1. Go to the Expenses menu and select Vendors.
  2. Click the Import Vendors button.
  3. Follow the same steps as importing customers, mapping the columns to the appropriate fields.
  4. Review and import your vendor data.

Import Products and Services

  1. Go to the Sales menu and select Products and Services.
  2. Click the Import Products and Services button.
  3. Map the columns in your file to the corresponding fields in QuickBooks Online.
  4. Review the data preview and make any necessary changes.
  5. Click Import to complete the process.

Import Invoices

  1. Go to the Sales menu and select Invoices.
  2. Click the Import Invoices button.
  3. Map the columns in your file to the corresponding fields in QuickBooks Online.
  4. Review the data preview and make any necessary changes.
  5. Click Import to complete the process.

Additional Steps

  • If you have data from multiple sources, repeat the import process for each data type (customers, vendors, products/services, invoices).
  • If your spreadsheet has more than 1,000 rows, split it into smaller files and import them separately.
  • Review the imported data for accuracy and make any necessary corrections manually.
  • Remember to follow the recommended import order: Customers, Vendors, Products and Services, Invoices.

FAQs on Importing Data into QuickBooks Online

What information can I import to QuickBooks Online?

You can import the following information to QuickBooks Online: Bank Data, Customers, Vendors, Chart of Accounts, Products and Services, and Invoices. Note that while Invoices, sales receipts, bills, and product and service items can be imported from QuickBooks Desktop, they cannot be edited in QuickBooks Ledger.

Do I need to import my data in a specific order?

Yes, to ensure your data imports correctly, you should import each spreadsheet in this order: Customers, Vendors, Products and services, Invoices. If you need complete steps, refer to the guides on how to import your customers, vendors, products and services, invoices, and bills.

What file format can I use to import information to QuickBooks Online?

You can use a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file, Google Sheets, or an XLS/XLSX file to import information to QuickBooks Online. CSV files contain tabular data with fields separated by commas or other special characters. XLS and XLSX are Microsoft Excel file formats for versions prior to and after 2007, respectively. Google Sheets is a cloud-based spreadsheet created in Google Drive.

What if I have data from multiple sources?

You can import content from multiple sources. For example, if you have a list of contacts in Excel (XLS/XLSX), some in Google Sheets, and some in Outlook (CSV), you can follow the import process for each source separately.

Why is the first row of my spreadsheet not imported?

QuickBooks Online uses the first row of your spreadsheet for mapping and doesn't import its content. If you need the information from the first row of your file, add a header row to your spreadsheet or duplicate the first line before importing the file.

Why can't I import a particular record from my contact list?

You can't import a contact that already exists in QuickBooks Online. Check your current contact list and rename the duplicate name(s) before importing your file.

My spreadsheet has more than 1,000 rows of data. How do I import it?

You can only import spreadsheets with less than 1,000 rows. It is suggested to split your spreadsheet into smaller files and import them separately.

QuickBooks Online didn't import all my columns. Where did they go?

QuickBooks Online can only import specific fields for each type of data. If certain columns from your spreadsheet do not correspond to the predefined fields in QuickBooks Online, they may not be imported.

If I make changes on the review screen before importing the file, will it change the information in my spreadsheet too?

No, QuickBooks Online doesn't make any changes to your spreadsheet.

Once I import my contacts, can I undo or delete the contacts by batch?

No, currently there's no option to undo or delete the imported contacts by batch. Any modifications or deletions must be performed individually for each contact.

Some of my contacts use foreign currencies. Can I import these?

QuickBooks Online can't import currency details from a contact list. If your version of QuickBooks Online supports multicurrency, your home currency is assigned to all customers and vendors by default. If a change in customer or vendor currency is necessary, select the Currency column and choose the currency you want to associate with the contact on the Review screen while importing your list. Note that you must turn on multicurrency before starting the import process.

Can I overwrite the products and services I import into QuickBooks Online?

Yes, if you have imported your products and services incorrectly, you can overwrite all values for each product or service that you import with the identical name. Just import the same file again and select "Overwrite all values" at the bottom of the page. Once you select Import, this overwrite cannot be undone.