Lazy Lync

Glossary of Terms

API (Application Programming Interface)

A set of protocols and tools for building software and applications, often used for data migration between systems.

Key Points:

  • Facilitates communication between different software systems.
  • Enables automated data transfer processes.
  • Supports integration of diverse applications with QuickBooks Online.

Example: Using an API to connect QuickBooks Online with a CRM system to transfer customer data.

Backup and Restore

The process of saving a copy of your data and restoring it in a new or the same system, essential for data migration.

Key Points:

  • Ensures data safety by providing a recoverable copy.
  • Allows for easy restoration in case of data loss or corruption.
  • Provides a fallback option during the migration process.

Example: Creating a backup of QuickBooks Desktop data before migrating to QuickBooks Online.

Chart of Accounts

A list of all the financial accounts in a company's general ledger, critical to correctly map during migration.

Key Points:

  • Organizes financial data into categories.
  • Essential for accurate financial reporting and analysis.
  • Needs precise mapping to maintain data consistency post-migration.

Example: Mapping old account structures to the new format required by QuickBooks Online.

Cloud Accounting

The use of accounting software where data is stored and processed on remote servers, accessed via the internet. QuickBooks Online is an example of cloud accounting software.

Key Points:

  • Offers accessibility from any internet-enabled device.
  • Reduces the need for physical data storage and management.
  • Facilitates automatic updates and backups.

Example: Migrating from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online to take advantage of cloud benefits.

Cloud Migration

The process of moving data, applications, or other business elements to a cloud computing environment.

Key Points:

  • Transfers data from local servers to cloud platforms.
  • Provides scalability and flexibility.
  • Involves ensuring data security during transit.

Example: Moving your company's financial data to QuickBooks Online.

Company File

In QuickBooks Desktop, this is the main file that contains all of a company's financial data. When migrating to QuickBooks Online, this file often needs to be converted.

Key Points:

  • Centralizes all financial transactions and records.
  • Requires careful conversion to ensure data integrity.
  • Forms the basis for operational accounting in the new system.

Example: Converting a QuickBooks Desktop company file for use in QuickBooks Online.

CSV (Comma-Separated Values)

A common format for importing and exporting data to and from QuickBooks.

Key Points:

  • Simplifies data exchange between different systems.
  • Supports bulk data import and export.
  • Easy to manipulate using spreadsheet software.

Example: Exporting customer data from an old system in CSV format for import into QuickBooks Online.

Custom Fields

User-defined fields in QuickBooks that store additional information not captured by standard fields.

Key Points:

  • Allows for tailored data entry according to business needs.
  • Supports unique data points relevant to specific industries.
  • Facilitates enhanced data tracking and reporting.

Example: Adding custom fields for customer preferences or product details in QuickBooks Online.

Data Cleansing

The practice of detecting and correcting (or removing) corrupt or inaccurate records from a data set.

Key Points:

  • Ensures high-quality, reliable data.
  • Involves identifying and correcting data errors and inconsistencies.
  • Enhances data accuracy and integrity post-migration.

Example: Cleaning up outdated or duplicate customer records before migration to QuickBooks Online.

Data Conversion

The process of converting data from one format to another, often required when moving data to a new system.

Key Points:

  • Essential for compatibility between old and new systems.
  • Involves transforming data to fit new schema requirements.
  • Can require specialized tools or scripts for accuracy.

Example: Converting data from QuickBooks Desktop format to QuickBooks Online format.

Data Extraction

The process of retrieving data from a source system for migration to a new system.

Key Points:

  • Involves accessing and exporting data from existing systems.
  • Requires understanding of source data structures.
  • Key to ensuring no data is left behind during migration.

Example: Extracting transaction history from QuickBooks Desktop for migration to QuickBooks Online.

Data Import/Export

The process of moving data into (import) or out of (export) a system.

Key Points:

  • Facilitates data transfer between different software systems.
  • Supports integration of external data sources.
  • Enables bulk data handling to streamline migration.

Example: Importing vendor lists into QuickBooks Online from a CSV file.

Data Integrity

The accuracy and consistency of data over its lifecycle, crucial during data migration.

Key Points:

  • Ensures that data remains unchanged and trustworthy.
  • Critical for reliable financial reporting and analysis.
  • Requires validation before and after migration to maintain standards.

Example: Maintaining data integrity by verifying records before and after migration.

Data Mapping

The practice of creating data element mappings between two distinct data models, crucial for ensuring data accuracy during migration.

Key Points:

  • Translates data fields from one system to another.
  • Ensures that data is accurately transferred and usable.
  • Involves detailed planning to handle differences in data structures.

Example: Mapping old payroll fields to the new structure in QuickBooks Online.

Data Security

Measures taken to protect data during migration to prevent unauthorized access or corruption.

Key Points:

  • Protects sensitive financial information from breaches.
  • Involves encryption and secure data transfer methods.
  • Essential for compliance with data protection regulations.

Example: Using encryption to secure financial data during migration.

Data Synchronization

The process of ensuring that data in two or more locations are identical.

Key Points:

  • Keeps multiple systems up-to-date with consistent data.
  • Reduces the risk of discrepancies between data sources.
  • Supports real-time data updates and access.

Example: Synchronizing inventory data between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online.

Data Validation

The process of ensuring the accuracy and quality of data before, during, and after migration.

Key Points:

  • Verifies that data meets specific criteria and standards.
  • Prevents data corruption and errors during transfer.
  • Enhances the reliability of data in the new system.

Example: Checking for missing or incorrect customer information before migrating to QuickBooks Online.

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

Software used to manage business processes, which may include integrating with QuickBooks for financial data migration.

Key Points:

  • Centralizes data from various business functions.
  • Provides comprehensive management tools for operations.
  • Requires integration with accounting systems for full financial oversight.

Example: Integrating an ERP system with QuickBooks Online for unified financial and operational data.

General Ledger

The complete record of all financial transactions over the life of a company.

Key Points:

  • Serves as the primary source for financial data.
  • Tracks all account changes and balances.
  • Essential for accurate financial reporting and auditing.

Example: Transferring the general ledger from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online.

IIF (Intuit Interchange Format)

A proprietary file format used by QuickBooks for data import and export.

Key Points:

  • Facilitates structured data transfer specific to QuickBooks.
  • Requires precise formatting for accurate data handling.
  • Supports data export for various accounting tasks.

Example: Exporting payroll data in IIF format for import into QuickBooks Online.


The process of linking together different computing systems and software applications physically or functionally.

Key Points:

  • Enables seamless communication between different software tools.
  • Facilitates real-time data sharing and updates.
  • Supports cohesive workflows across multiple systems.

Example: Integrating a time-tracking application with QuickBooks Online.

Migration Script

Custom scripts written to automate parts of the data migration process.

Key Points:

  • Automates repetitive and complex migration tasks.
  • Reduces the risk of human error during data transfer.
  • Can be tailored to specific migration needs and requirements.

Example: Using a migration script to automate the transfer of financial data to QuickBooks Online.


Handling of financial transactions in multiple currencies, often requiring special considerations during data migration.

Key Points:

  • Supports international business operations.
  • Requires accurate currency conversion and tracking.
  • Involves setting up multi-currency accounts and transactions.

Example: Migrating multi-currency transaction data to QuickBooks Online.

QuickBooks Desktop

The traditional, locally installed version of QuickBooks, often the source of data being migrated to QuickBooks Online.

Key Points:

  • Used for on-premise accounting and financial management.
  • Requires data conversion for migration to cloud-based systems.
  • Provides a comprehensive range of accounting tools.

Example: Migrating financial records from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online.

QuickBooks Online

The cloud-based version of QuickBooks, often a destination for migrated data from QuickBooks Desktop or other accounting systems.

Key Points:

  • Offers accessibility from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Supports automated updates and data backups.
  • Provides an intuitive interface for managing financial data.

Example: Moving company financial data from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online.

QuickBooks Schema

The structure and organization of data within QuickBooks, including tables, fields, and relationships between different data elements.

Key Points:

  • Defines how data is stored and accessed.
  • Crucial for understanding data mapping and integration.
  • Guides data conversion and migration processes.

Example: Understanding the QuickBooks schema to properly map and migrate data.

SaaS (Software as a Service)

A software distribution model in which applications are hosted by a service provider and made available over the internet. QuickBooks Online is an example of SaaS.

Key Points:

  • Offers software access through the cloud, eliminating the need for local installation.
  • Provides regular updates and maintenance by the service provider.
  • Scales easily to accommodate growing business needs.

Example: Using QuickBooks Online as a SaaS solution for managing accounting tasks without the need for local server infrastructure.

Third-Party Tools

Software developed by companies other than Intuit that assist in data migration processes.

Key Points:

  • Extends the functionality of QuickBooks by offering additional features.
  • Can simplify the migration process with specialized tools.
  • Often includes support for data conversion and integration.

Example: Using a third-party tool to migrate customer data to QuickBooks Online.

Transaction History

The record of all transactions that need to be accurately transferred during migration.

Key Points:

  • Contains detailed records of all financial transactions.
  • Essential for maintaining business continuity and financial accuracy.
  • Needs to be transferred accurately to ensure historical data is preserved.

Example: Migrating detailed transaction history from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online to maintain complete financial records.

Web Connector

A tool used to integrate QuickBooks Desktop with web-based applications, sometimes used in the migration process to QuickBooks Online.

Key Points:

  • Enables web services to access QuickBooks data.
  • Supports automated data synchronization with online platforms.
  • Can be used to facilitate data migration and integration.

Example: Using the Web Connector to synchronize data with an online platform before migrating to QuickBooks Online.